
New releases and other announcements from the bvoip team

All Announcements

Bug Fixes and Documentation


Bug Fixes

We're still working on some key features that we'll be announcing in the coming weeks, but these past few weeks have been focused on crushing bugs.

  • We restructured some code to improve page loading times in some areas of the Control portal.
  • Corrected a bug in the Transcription functionality, so it properly pushes the call transcription to the ticket along with the recording. If you haven't already configured transcription services, check out our article on the Call Transcription Integration.
  • Fixed a bug in the Screen Pop routine which would cause a duplicate screen pop to occur in some cases, this should only happen once now.
  • The Inbound Rules menu object expiration trigger would sometimes occur much faster than expected, making it difficult to save changes. This has been fixed.
  • If you setup an SBC, the status mistakenly showed as a red circle, despite being good and actually connected properly. This should show green now.
  • The Groups menu was not allowing partners to add new users or save the group properly.
  • Corrected a few bugs with in the SMS Beta, so message threads should no longer be split into inbound/outbound conversations in some cases.


Recent KB Articles

We've been making a lot of documentation lately, and here are some of the highlights.

  • We just released the article Utilizing Built-In Teams Queues, which walks you through how to setup a forwarding rule which routes to a call queue or other resource account created in the Teams Admin Center
  • Our article Determining SMS Methods to Use only listed out a basic outline of what each SMS method could do, but we've rewritten that into a simple flow chart with the various partner providers, so you know immediately what methods are available to you and your customers.
  • We've also added a new article SMS Methods for Microsoft Teams which specifically covers the methods available when you're trying to work entirely out of Teams
  • There's a new article clarifying the E911 Requirements for Canada, as there are potential fines involved if you misconfigure your E911 registration and someone dials emergency services.
  • We rewrote the article How to Create Conference Calls to document another method for users to easily transfer additional parties into their personal conference bridge.


Beta: PSA-Integrated SMS

We're wrapping up initial development of the new SMS capabilities, allowing your conversations to be ingested into a PSA/CRM ticket, and we're looking for some beta testers who would be interested in trying this.

If your company already has an SMS-enabled number through Flowroute,, Twilio, Telnyx, or ThinQ, and you'd like to participate in providing feedback on this feature, please send an email to with what PSA you use, and what provider you have an SMS enabled number through, and we'll schedule a time to get that setup with you.


Beta: New UI Menus

As mentioned last week we have the beta of the new UI menus available using the New UI button that you'll find on the top right of many phone system pages.

See more detail on this in the previous post, Nested Microsoft 365 SSO and Beta UI.


FFotW: User status Auto Switch

Forgotten Feature of the Week

The vast majority of users have a set schedule that they work every week, so the Auto Switch function allows your users to configure their hours of availability, so they automatically get moved to Do Not Disturb outside of their defined hours.


This can follow the global office hours, or be set custom at the user level, and it also supports defined break times. Each user configures this themselves inside the webclient settings.

You can find more detail about this in our Auto Switch Feature article.
