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New API Endpoint: GetCallSegmentLogs

New Feature
1Stream Enterprise
API and Automation

A new API endpoint, GetCallSegmentLogs, has been made available for all 1Stream Enterprise users.

This endpoint when queried will return the call segments matching the specified parameters, which you can then use to get more actionable data for reporting.

For details on how to access the API, check out our 1Stream API article for more info.


Fields and Parameters

You can use the following parameters to query this endpoint, all of which are optional:

  • startDate: m/d/yyyy
  • endDate: m/d/yyyy
  • CallID: 123456 (Retrieved from GetCallLogs endpoint)
  • pageNumber: Default of 1 if not declared.
  • pageSize: Default of 100 if not declared.

The key fields to pay attention to in the returned data are:

  • CallID, which can be used to match the segments back to the full call record under the GetCallLogs endpoint.
  • SeqOrder, which shows the order the call segments occurred in.
  • SegmentTypeName, which shows what the segment is reaching in the phone system, the exact one of these would be the Extension field.

Leveraging the Data

One example of a way to leverage this data would be to pull down the day's call segments, and sort by the largest SeqOrder. This will tell you which calls had the toughest time flowing through the system and may point out some areas where you could improve the call flow.

Another option here would be to look for any segments with a SegmentType of 4 or SegmentTypeName of Queue, then further look at those that have a SegmentSeconds of 1 or more. If you count the rows by CallID, this will tell you which calls had the most queue polls that day.

Don't have 1Stream Enterprise?

Reach out to your sales rep for details on the cost to upgrade in order to enable this functionality, as it can help reduce the time it takes to find where calls went and how. Each user that views Call Segment data needs an Enterprise license.

