All Announcements

Lite Feature Visibility and 5 New Core Reports!

1Stream Core

Lite Feature Visibility Bug Fix

Lite plans have incorrectly had access to a couple 1stream-level features due to a bug in the menu code, so we want to notify everyone of this change as it could impact features you thought you had access to on the lowest plan.

We've now cleaned up those misclassified menus so that if a system is on a Lite plan, you will no longer have access to items like Call Queues, Call Recording, or the Unlock Phone System Console button.

This change does not impact current call settings. If you're utilizing a queue on Lite today, you can still do so, however you can no longer modify the queue going forward. You can also continue recording calls if you were already doing so, however you can no longer turn that off or on for extensions.

Please review the Plans, Options & Pricing page of our website for details on the features that are available at the Lite level vs 1stream View and above. You can reach out to our support team to help remove any Call Queues or other features that you can't turn off yourself.


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5 New Reports

All advanced reporting requires a 1stream Core license

We're working to add in some of the reports that were previously only available via the customized Enterprise Portal that some clients had used in the past.

Call Summary

This will give a simple export of calls with the ability to filter by extension, queue, and date range. This is more detailed than the data you get via the homepage and can be scheduled like all of our other reports.


Failed Callbacks

This will give you a list of all calls that have failed callback for your defined date range and queue selection. If you leave the QueueNum field blank, it will show the failed callbacks from all queues.


Callbacks are usually considered "Failed" because they queued for the full Maximum Queue Wait Time without an agent becoming available.

We have more detail on callbacks and the reasons they fail in our knowledgebase article.

Ring Group Statistics

This will give you a simple breakdown of the users who have received calls via ring groups for the defined date range, and how many of those calls they answered. Like the above report you can filter it by RingGroupNum or leave it blank to get all ring groups.


Queue Summary - Quarter Hour and Half Hour

While the normal Queue Summary w/ Overflow report allows for you to get a good picture of your queue call flow volume and handling across many days, it fails to give you a good picture of intraday behavior like spikes during the morning or shortly after the lunch period.

This report will break down the selected date range across 15 or 30 minute time increments, so you can see which periods may need more coverage, and which may need less.


This report has a large number of columns to enable you to get as much out of this single report as possible such as Abandon %, Service Level, and Avg Speed of Answer.


Forgotten Feature of the Week: Custom Caller ID Settings

Many companies will want to use per-user caller ID, but for one reason or another you may want to hide that direct dial when you call certain parties.

This can be useful for requesting callbacks for others from third party auto attendants, sending callbacks to your department instead of you directly, or ensuring that one client can't keep calling you back just because you fixed their printer fast.


Once configured in the admin panel under Phone System Enhancements, users will find a new dropdown in their 1stream client allowing them to change to these numbers. They can then select Clear to go back to their default caller ID assignment.


We've also got a document and video guide covering this.
